Yes I'm 22 years old and getting "braces" and I'm so excited...
I have hated my smile since long before I can remember,actually it was when my adult teeth came in I HATED my two front teeth (yes I know all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth) because they were huge and took up my whole mouth
Then my bottom teeth decided they wanted to grow in all crooked.
When I was younger my mother talked to our family dentist about getting me old fashion braces (I really wish I did) but I was scared and didn't go through with it, I went on just not smiling a real smile because I was made fun of for having "ugly" teeth, but shortly after I quit caring what people thought along came BOYS!!!
I was/am so self conscious about my smile I didn't want anyone to see my teeth. One time we went on a cruise and my mom was mad at me 90% of the time because I came up with what she calls "the joker smile" and used it in every picture, you could see I had teeth but not all of them. (I'm sorry mom)
Once Invisalign came out I wanted them so bad yet a lot of people talked me out of it because of the pain but I still thought long and hard about it for several years.
Along the road came marriage and a baby and I realized I have a very high pain tolerance I got this in the bag!!
After getting dental insurance and meeting the greatest dentist I decided (with a lot of help from my husband) I'm going to do it.
I made the consultation appointment and got so much information about it so I made the first appointment for my impressions that was such a cool experience yet discussing next appointment (Friday) I will be getting my first trays!!
After watching countless YouTube videos on other peoples journey I got so ready. I feel like I'm prepared but at the same time I am very nervous, being a new mom I can barely brush my teeth once a day let alone after I eat or drink anything other than water but I'm still excited and ready for this!!!
I'll post next with before pictures!!!!